We had a nice sat sang last night. For the study circle we were only a few people, but it was still the best. The text was so beautiful and we remembered even some text we had before about patience it was also that incredible just to listen. We were listening and in the study circle we do an effort to think it over and to see it in our own life. It is not a sharing of our problems, it is thinking over his words.
Someone talked about a strange interview she had and they didn't understand it really and one guy he planned to go to Kerala and he called them in the interview and it felt also like that, real strange he mentioned that daughter she didn't have, but behind was the lady who had a daughter and she said, 'I have no daughter', so the lady behind said, it is my daughter. And so the interview went on and it felt total strange, but nevertheless totally like him, it took some heaviness away, so serious people, not in the sense of serene what is good, but heavy in the mind really, how it felt listening to it and it was just lightening up. If we listen to divine words we lighten up, the energy gets transformed into a different type of energy and that is just a wonderful experience.
We had a weekend and talked about study circle and the problem is if we are in a circle we listen to everybody one after the other and we don't interrupt, we listen to everything, but sometimes also not to the right thing and by the time it was my turn I was already fighting my impatience and I said, study circle without listening to Swami's words is no study circle. But it went on they were talking about the weekends topics and that was about conflict management and we went on talking around not getting to the point really.
And that was actually our subject, in the text was Swami and the right answer. So I focused on that text and the issue to get to the point in question and if we don't, we will not get a right conclusion, only nobody listened. When it is limited to the point in question, it doesn't expand and we can still enjoy the good experiences, only that conflict is limited. That is a great thing if we are able to do it, if we are even able to recognize that it is a conflict and we don't just think it has to be like that and it is part of it, what seems to be mostly the case and a wrong conclusion.
"Conflicts happen, but they should be limited to the point in question, the subject of the conflict and not be extended to additional words and feelings. If the conflict is allowed to escalate, the anger will intensify, bitter feelings are coming up and a huge hatred it will evolve. On the other hand, the love begins at a single point, and when it is enabled it will spread until it has fulfilled the entire life of that. This is spiritual truth. If there is conflict and disharmony between two people, they leave it out and do not allow the conflict to continue to expand, then settle down in the long run both parties, and in their relationship can get harmony. The worst what can happen is when the conflict is indeed latent persist, but not continue to grow and no other people involve. "