Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My big love, the error gone

Think now. Does error clog the free flowing Essence of My Being through you?
Ask Me this moment to reveal to you your errors
In the silence of your meditation.
Let old memories well up in you, from My subconscious in you...
Old patterns..., old forgotten feelings and thoughts.
Now plunge them into the Ocean of Light, burn them from the consciousness
So that you may be true emblems of My Being.

Sathya Sai Baba

Atman reacts, reflects and resounds. Atman knows no death and no birth. But it reflects in consciousness, by watching, being in the observer, we finally realize who we really are. The observer is Atman.

To get aware of the reflection, the insight, when I didn't even think of it, I heart it can be now in two or in ten years. 
At least it feels like an experience of plunging the old patterns in the ocean of light, to become a true emblem of his being. If I wouldn't write it down and share with you, it would not be noticed.
How is the reaction? 
It feels like a dream, the issue gone, like it is burnt from consciousness, in an eternal light, the ocean of light and there is my big love...
He reveals to me the errors to get aware of it. It feels like beginning all new, as it was still present for the inner child.
All reflection seems to lead to the insight that it is possible to plunge it into the ocean of light, the reflection of him.
And how does it resound?
As my big love.
To be smiled upon makes it possible to smile back.

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