Here Baba talks about the human values and about the conclusion of the sacred Navaratri festival. Listening to his words we have to get to a right and not wrong conclusion, therefore, the conclusion is important. And Sampti and prapti have to do with deserving it and the way it is done to get to a right conclusion.
With other words, we have to be careful to understand it right, to get to correct understanding and such a festival and the way it is done shows us the way. It is for sure sathvic, what we don’t know always about all our activities and often we just cannot know. By listening to the words of a self-realized authority we get a feeling for it and if we don’t do that, we can be quite sure that in the conclusion is in the mind and not the atma. In another thought for the day Swami said that we cannot know right from wrong or good from bad without listening. In the relative field we always have two sides and it depends the situation, what is good at one time can be bad in another situation, therefore, when we listen to him and inquire about it we get aware of it and it should make us careful to do the right thing and to go in direction of correct understanding and to not trust our mind.
We live in the mind since we are born and we count on it and we are not used to it to think that it is not real, that it is based on illusion and that it is not right. The Western ideal is the opposite, with science it seem we got also the right of argumenting to get right and with the path of sathva we cannot argue and get right, we have to learn to listen and accept truth, if we accept truth there is no more argument.
Embodiments of Love! Vijaya Dasami marks the conclusion(samapti) of the sacred Navaratri festival. Samapti confers prapti (deservedness) in every possible way. Today I bless you with the deservedness to develop selfless love.
Swami’s words bless us with the deservedness, because of that festival and the right conclusion we can develop selfless love. We have done something during that festival to deserve it. And he talks about the human values and that they are all contained in love.
We remember his words. If we want to experience pure love, we need three things, we have to understand peace, shanti, we need to accept truth, sathya, we need to accept right action, Dharma and only when we have those three things, we are able to experience pure love.
We get to always the same conclusion, whatever we do, we should do it with love, with other words in that love are all the others contained that is why he talks about love only, it is a combination of sathya, dharma, shanti and when one of them is missing, there is sathya, but no right conduct or no peace, what we often find in our spiritual centers. They try to feel love and there is no understanding about peace, but there is conflict and what gets enforced by the right of argumentation, but that is not part of the human values, truth has nothing to do with arguments and getting right, but with truth only and when it is about truth the argumentation stops and we sit down and meditate, because it is true that we get more strain in the mind with most of arguments and it stirs up the energy and with meditation we relax and we purify the mind.
Stress and tension get worse and build up with argumentation, but not with meditation. If we use arguments we are in a field of duality in a field of oneness we can only share and not argue about it.
Love contains all the other human values like truth, right conduct, non-violence and peace. Whatever you do, do it with Love. Your heart is like a big tank, and senses are like taps. Fill your heart with the water of Love. Then you will experience Divine Love through all your senses.
Swami uses the example of the big tank he used the example also for the divine grace, he said it is like a big water tank, but we need three things to be connected with that big tank of grace of the divine, we need taps and we need to connect the taps with the big tank and the devotees look like water taps, but only pure love can make the connection with the big tank of divine grace.
And therefore, we should undertake good actions, the question is again, what is good? In that sense it is action with love and to be pure love and not some other type of love it contains also the other human values, as we remember three human values, sathya, dharma, shanti and only if those three are there, we will have pure love. If we are not understanding peace, there will be no pure love and people trying to feel love on an emotional level results in mood making. If we don’t know what we are doing we are not in tune with sathya, truth, we need to know the difference between mind and Atma to know what Swami means with good and true. These qualities are part of the atma and not the mind and on the mind level it is negative and not true, but an illusion.
Undertake good actions from this moment. Let everybody be happy. The essence of all scriptures is: “Help ever, Hurt never.” Do not hurt even an insect, for God is present in every being. Surrender to the Lord and say, “I am Yours,” and live up to it with strong faith. God will protect you at all times and under all circumstances. I bless you to have noble feelings, join good company, give-up vices and attain Divinity.
This is the spirit of non-violence seeing the divine reality in every being.
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