All wealth accruing through
unrighteous means is to be treated with contempt as unworthy.
All desires that do not subserve
the one supreme need for liberation are to be given up as beneath one’s
dignity. So the spiritual basis of righteousness and liberation must be the
root of both the pursuit of wealth and fulfillment of other desires.
Baba (thought for the day)
Your good conduct is your true wealth. - Baba
I guess the answer is, we have to realize it. Righteousness is the right way of thought and understanding to be able to live in peace and to help others to reach that goal too.
Liberation directs our senses and one’s desire that is serves everybody and not only the ego.

I guess we are somehow aware of the monkey mind and we don’t have a common practiced Sadhana like we had with TM meditation, we just sing and the rest of time endure whatever is there, some go constantly into distance, others talk too much, a lady has always the same problems and never gets out of it and always repeats the same pattern in her mind.
Another thinks when it is about practice, we can talk about it all night. Another likes music and creates around her a universe of music, she plays the violin. Another one believes that Bhajans are the means of liberation in that life, she is constantly playing Bhajans and singing, and she knows all Bhajans by now.
are what we believe in.

is also difficult to integrate; we have to evolve in consciousness.
had a divine mission, you seem also to have one.
is amazing how my ‘Soham’ meditation turned into ‘Hamsa’, the universe is ‘hamming’.
can integrate all experiences by that, because the swan had been there in the
beginning, it was the symbol I met in nature, it made me aware what I did in
observing, but I realize it only now.
is the mantra I get now from inside, the inner master, making aware that we can
integrate life in it.
It was
dark when we were looking for the light or the higher self and just observing,
it was the dark night of the soul. The dark side is in the ‘Ham’ and the inner light
of the self, the experience of the higher self was reflected at night in
the dream is the awakening of the swan, it makes it divine and beautiful, that
is the ‘Sa’.
has been an answer, there was light and experience and reflection of the higher
self. The swan is able to separate milk and water. He takes out of the water
only milk.
meditation is perfect, it is a circle.
is a spiritual symbol to know the difference between milk and water,
the Paramahansa is the highest swan.
Soham is focused on light, the ocean of light and divinity. The Hamsa is finding the light and knows the difference between water and milk.
One has more to do with religion and the other with self and soul-search. But the main thing is that we can integrate life by meditating and by that practice we go beyond disturbances.
If we cannot make up the mind how to meditate or what to do as Sadhana, talking about it all night, but we don’t practice.
I liked that about TM, they didn’t talk, they just practiced and meditation did the rest and solved problems. It was all focused on practice.
are problems between devotees because they talk, they don’t practice
and bring their problems into the group.
We mostly sing and
leave without socializing, because we cannot take it in that state of mind. And a Baba Lila seems all about realization, that is what we have to learn, whatever the result,
we can only do our best.
my ex … he said, there will be a depression – again, he said already so often,
it is not about if he is right or wrong, it is about… his attitude, he said –
believe me – 'I know'.
is how we got together, he said – it is a Baba Lila – believe me, I know. But
it was not real, he knew nothing and just took advantage of it – but he said, believe me I know (this
time), I answered, ‘did Baba give you the psyche he said he would give in the
dream? I know you know, because you said so since I met you and it was always –
not right… (it has never been right, if he tells, believe me – ‘I know’, it feels
like it will be exactly the opposite, just because he tells he knows. He assumes
to know, and in reality he doesn’t know.) But he took advantage of the Baba Lila to get what he wanted. It is about speculation, and he
talks about it like he would know and like it would be ‘now’ and not in the future.
Focused on truth we cannot live in such a state of mind, it is not real, it is a dream. And it feels like he
has learned nothing, he tells today in the same he did twenty years
ago – believe me – ‘I know’ and Baba had made him aware inside that
he lived a dream.It is kind of sad that he doesn't get it.
The reaction and reflection is that it is not real, he always said, ‘I know’ and he never knew, a pattern repeated, depressing to realize that people don’t evolve, but stay the same, even though, they went to Baba.
Following the inner master we realize that it had been always the same, even in past lives.
If we have not ‘liberation’ as ideal directing our desires, we are negative, because only divine and real desires are positive and are able to go beyond the mind.
He called me inside his 'princess'.
The father who was not able to make us feel okay, and that way it is healed from inside, but it is also a mirror.
The family ideal was opposed to it and they wanted to be real and call things by name and it makes feel like shit ...
(the youngest brother's choice. He had only problems and does the worst he can do. I thought it went in direction of making him aware of it, but it was much worse, on that level we cannot even talk. And he doesn't change, of course, it is his choice.
Love is based on relationship and Baba is the 'king'. In that light the relationship reflected in the dream as naked beggar woman with two kids, no dress, but covered with black dirt.
If there is no love and we are with a king, we end up as beggars. It is not only sad, but dragging down.
I never doubted that he does the worst he can do if the inner master said so, but I didn't think it was that bad. The reaction reflecting is similar to the attitude of my ex, only it was a beggar woman on the streets of New York and homeless, no love, no home, a deplorable state.
That is no question of taking care or duty, only a question to realize it, that he only took advantage of it and letting go of it.
It is a level of Tamas and we need to keep distance, no close contact that it can be repeated. It seems that bad we don't need to close doors, it is already closed by the destructive value, the level decides.
In the study circle text Baba said that we have difficulties in the family to draw us to him and to get aware that we do not need it, as we have to realize something else, the relationship to our higher self.
But I thought I should do my best and what came out by it, the dream reflected the level of a beggar, no love.
Because inside God is the king and the level of love is a princess, the beggar shows that there is no love. It is not possible to go on that level, such a person doesn't do an effort to live in love.
If we try it is just a waste of time and energy. It is actually that bad and tamasic, we don't want to be bothered for our own sake and inner peace, Baba is there instead. But it had to be realized somehow, probably to be able to set limitations.)
Your good conduct is your true wealth. - Baba
That is my focus since I went in direction of the observer to not harm anyone.
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